Random Password Generator

Random Password Generator

Secure passwords are very important for user accounts. Generate a safe password with your own desired length! It contains both letters and numbers, which is the recommended way of generating passwords. This is a free and quick password generator. This tool is completely free and very simple to use!

About Password Security

What determines the security level of a password? What makes a good password? The fundamentals are, the longer the password, the better. Luckily nowadays websites often require a minimum number of characters for a valid password, this decreases the risk of a user creating a insecure password. However, these checks are not always enough to create a secure password. When people try to break a password, they can sometime use a technique called brute-forcing. This simply means trying a wide range of different passwords, hoping that one combination is correct. A longer password is in general more secure to this kind of threats. However, bruteforcers often use a list of words instead of just random characters. For example the word “dog” or “house” might be included in these lists, and more common words can be checked first. To avoid the risk of being cracked easy, it is good to avoid to use simple words like this. It is better to either use a combination of words “doghouse”, or to create a pseudo-random sequence of characters. To make a sequence easier to remember, it is good to make up a short, strange story in your mind, and take the first letter of each word. An example is “A dog lives on a space ship”. The first letter of each word would create the sequence “adloass”. This looks random to the outside word, however, if you just remember the short story, you can easily remember this sequence. This method is a pretty good way to generate the letter-part of a password.